P.E.A.K Information

Teachers: For your PEAK packets, log onto your member account and click on the NMEA Google Drive. There you will find a PEAK folder with all of the information.


What is P.E.A.K?

P.E.A.K. = Parents, Educators, And Kids!  It is our introduction to an All County Festival for our youngest students, 4th Grade!

In the PEAK Division, music teachers may nominate up to 7 students- and as long as all paperwork is received by the deadline, ALL 7 Students are accepted!

Students must prepare the Chorus music in advance, and all other fun musical workshop materials are taught the day of the festival.

Each PEAK Student attends with 1 parent and the nominating music teacher.  All other family members are invited to watch the performance at the end of the Festival day!


2024 P.E.A.K Festival will be on November 23rd